Using images to drive persuasion momentum

Despite what you may think, eye-tracking studies have shown that the first thing readers view on a page is the text: headlines, intro and captions, only moving to the images once they’ve scanned the most prominent text.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ and find out how you can use images to drive persuasion momentum…

However, images are still obviously a crucial aspect of a successful persuasion process, and to creating a visually interesting website. The same rules apply to images as apply to text. Seek to portray happy customers enjoying the benefits promised by the business, or present an image that accentuates the pain of the problem you promise to solve.

If you include photos of your business premises, make sure you include staff of the business interacting positively with customers. Include happy faces, as the research also showed that clean, clear faces in images attract more eye fixations.

Featuring galleries of high quality images that demonstrate your expertise in your field are especially important. Websites like and provide searchable online libraries of high quality images, which are available very inexpensively, or sometimes even free. However, whenever possible use real shots of real people (staff and customers if possible), rather than models as their authenticity will contribute to the persuasive momentum. Image slideshows which allow you to show more than one image on a page are an effective way of communicating important information at the same time as adding visual interest.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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