Update on Text Versions

Hi, it’s Matt here with some news that will be of interest to you if you are doing email marketing (and if you’re not, you should talk to us about it!).
The Web Genius email marketing software has always featured a way to send a plain text version of emails along with the rich HTML version that is generally the way that people will view your email. You’ve probably seen the plain text version of each section below the HTML version.
Times change and technologies move on — while there is evidence that the plain text version may have value for ensuring your emails get through spam filters, very few people actually see the plain text version now. A few years back there was still email software in use that was not capable of displaying HTML email, but now the only place you’d find software like that is in a museum.
From today, we will be automatically generating the plain text version instead of requiring you to regenerate and edit it. In short, you don’t need to worry about it any more.
All references to plain text versions have been removed from the content management system, but rest assured it will still be sent out along with the HTML version.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

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