Understanding your SEO Managed Service report

Your SEO report is broken up into the following sections:

  • Organic traffic 
  • Link profile
  • Search engine visibility
  • Keyword rankings
Each section contains key information about your SEO campaign.
Let’s break each section down:

Organic Traffic

This section uses data from your Google Analytics account and contains data from the last 30 days from when the report was created.

Note: if you see low or no statistics in this section, there could be a tracking issue with your Analytics. If goals are registering as 0, they may not be set up. Please contact us if either is the case.

It is divided into four sections:


Sessions: A session is the period time a user is actively engaged with your website.

Percentage New Sessions: An estimate of the percentage of first time visits.

New Users: The number of first-time users during the last 30 days.


Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page). A high bounce rate indicates that people aren’t finding what they are looking for. Typically bounce rates will tend to be around 60%-80% however it depends on your industry and website.

Average Session Duration: The average length of a session.

Page Views Per Session: The average number of pages viewed during a session. Repeated views of a single page are counted.


A conversion (or goal) is a desired action on your website, like submitting an enquiry, buying a product or signing up to a newsletter. These goals are set up in your Google Analytics account and are used to measure if the traffic to your website is taking the desired actions you want them to.

Goal Completions: The number of conversions (goals) that were completed in the last 30 days.

Goal Conversion Rate: The percentage of sessions that turned into goals.

Return on investment:

Monthly Fee: This is the fee you pay Web Genius for your SEO Managed Service each month.

Cost Per Conversion: This is the monthly fee divided by the number of goals, to give a cost per goal.

Link Profile:

This section provides insights into links from other websites pointing to your website over the last 90 days. As part of your SEO Managed Service, Web Genius build links to your website. Links are the main factors involved in increasing your visibility in Google.

External backlinks: This is the total number of links from other websites pointing to your website.

Referring domains: This is the number of other websites like “webgenius.co.nz” that link to you. This is different from external links because instead of counting all links from pages on a website, it only counts the website linking to you.

Referring IPs: This is the number of different servers that host the websites that are linking to you.

Referring subnets: This is the number of different servers that host the websites that are linking to you in separate locations from each other.

Backlink history:  The backlink history graph shows when links were discovered over time. 

Search Engine Visibility:

Search engine visibility is a measure of how visible your keywords are in search engines like Google. It is a valuable metric to track as it shows how your website is ranking for all keywords expressed as a number. This number can then be tracked to show visibility improvements over time.

Search engine visibility is calculated by assigning points to each of your keywords based on the ranking of that keyword.

The points are assigned as follows:

Position 1 = 100 points
Position 2 = 99 points
Position 3 = 98 points

Position 100 = 1 point
Position 101 = 0 points

The total points for all keywords are then added together and divided by the total possible points if all were position 1.

For example, if there were 3 keywords as follows:

keyword 1 – position 3 = 98 points
keyword 2 – position 1 = 100 points
keyword 3 – position 10 = 91 points

Then the total points would be 98+100+91 = 289
The total possible points – if all were position 1 – for all keywords is (100* the number of keywords – which is 3) = 300

Therefore the visibility would be 289 / 300 = 0.9633 or as a percentage (multiplied by 100) = 96.33% visibility.

A visibility score of 90% or higher indicates that all keywords are ranking on the first page of Google.

This metric makes it easy to see the overall ranking performance of your website.

Ranking Report:

Your ranking report shows the ranking progress of individual keywords. When reading your report please note, there are ten results per page, so any keywords that are ranking between position 1 and 10 are on the 1st page of Google.

For an explanation for each column, see below:

  • Domain – This is the URL of the page that is ranking highest for the particular keyword phrase.
  • Keyword – the keyword phrase that we are tracking in Google.
  • Start – This is the position the website was ranking initially when we completed the first report. If there is a dash here, it means the website wasn’t found in the first 30 pages of Google.
  • Google Logo (Green/yellow/red blob) – this is the position the website is currently ranking for in Google, at the time the report was produced.
  • Life – This shows ranking movement against the initial rankings.
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please feel free to contact us.

Thank you,

SEO Portfolio Manager

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