“The website is now our main source of work – 80% of our business comes directly from the site…”

Kevin and Wendy Cramp, owners and operators of Pest Attack Pest Control in Waikato and Tauranga, knew that it was time to upgrade their website, as their original one wasn’t bringing in business.

“We had a website before coming to Web Genius – it looked good, but it simply didn’t perform. Even with pages and pages of content, it simply didn’t have the right SEO to rank in Google at all. The only way the website got found was a link through from Yellow Pages.”

“Luckily, we made the decision to come to Web Genius. It is now our main source of work – 80% of our business comes directly from the website. With a combination of the well optimised website along with investing more into the Google Adwords campaign that they set up, we are bringing in plenty of work.”

“The website functions great, we are really rapt with it and would definitely recommend Web Genius to other businesses looking to increase their business enquiries.”

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