The power of online video

Over recent years, online video has become a standard part of the internet experience for most users. The emergence of sites like YouTube have demonstrated an almost insatiable demand for online video.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ and find out how to harness the power of online video …

Nielsen reported in 2010 that 72% of internet users view videos online, and many studies9 have shown that visitors who view videos are significantly more likely to make a purchase or an enquiry.

These days, quality video needn’t be expensive to produce. Quality HD video cameras with external microphone jacks are available for under $500, and are capable of producing a more than acceptable quality of audio and video for a small business website.

Excellent small business website video ideas include:

  1. Home page intro videos which profile the business and its benefits. eg
  2. About Us videos which provide an insight into the authenticity of the people behind the business. eg
  3. Q&A videos in which the business owner answers important questions for the visitor. eg
  4. Video testimonials which feature existing customers speaking about their positive experiences with the business. eg eddie-winkel-video

As mentioned in the previous section on targeted traffic, as well as featuring these videos on your own website, you can also distribute them to websites like:,,, and

This helps get the word out about your business, can create valuable back links, and the video listings on the various sites can appear in the Google search results providing another way for Google searchers to find your site.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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