Planning calls to action that will make your website more effective…

The design of your calls to action should happen right at the start of the website creation process, before any pages are designed or copy is written.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ to find out how planning your calls to action can make your website more effective…

Your calls to action should be worked out right after you have defined your perfect prospect and their persuasion requirements.

The question to consider is: what actions, when taken, will show that your prospect has been persuaded by your website’s content?

The idea is to get inside the head of your perfect prospect and figure out how to motivate them to take action. Surely you can come up with something more creative and enticing than a standard Contact Us page?

You have gone to a lot of effort, and sometimes expense, to get visitors to your website, so you need to make the most of this opportunity you have to get as many visitors as possible to take the next step towards becoming a customer.

What are you trying to persuade your visitor to do? Buy a product? Make an enquiry? Download a report? Book an appointment? Request more information? Visit your store? Call your freephone number? Subscribe to your e-newsletter. By including clever, enticing calls to action that allow your visitors to achieve their goals, your website will be that much more effective.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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