Make your main calls to action accessible throughout your site…

Your main calls to action need to be prominent and accessible from anywhere on your site.

Different people will be ready to take action at different points in the process, so by making them available on most, if not all, pages they will be present whenever a visitor is ready to take action.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ to understand the importance of making your main calls to action accessible throughout your site…

Firstly include your main calls to action in your top level navigation menu. Secondly, use the space in the side panels of your web pages to feature your calls to action.

Take for example. All the main calls to action can be seen in the left hand panel: join the Cellar Club, login to the Cellar Club, order wine online, check out Facebook and Twitter. The same access to the main calls to action can be seen in the left hand panel of most pages on the Ohau Gravels site.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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