How to use your e-newsletter content to build relationships with your customers…

Any form of communication is only as effective as the quality of message that is being communicated.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook to find out how to use your newsletter content to build relationships with your customers…

You can have a great list of past purchasers, you can send content regularly and segment your database intelligently, but if your content is a load of old rubbish, then it won’t do you any good at all.

You need to put yourself in the shoes of your readers and figure out what information would be valuable to them. How can you help make their life just a little bit easier, or provide valuable information or offers that they will benefit from?

Your newsletter should be more about building relationships through providing great information, rather than blatantly pushing your products

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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