Elevate Your Website’s Written Content Using Google’s E-E-A-T Formula

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In the digital landscape, where online visibility is paramount, mastering the art of crafting compelling website content is essential for kiwi businesses, and their digital marketing suppliers. As Google continuously refines its algorithms to deliver the most relevant and trustworthy information to users, understanding and implementing the E-E-A-T formula has become crucial. Let’s delve into how you can leverage this formula to deliver interesting and useful website content that is more likely to be favoured by Google in the rankings.

Understanding Google’s E-E-A-T Formula

Some years ago, Google introduced the E-A-T formula, which evaluates the Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness of website content. Recently, Google added an extra “E” for Experience, further emphasising the importance of firsthand knowledge and practical insights in content creation.

Experience: Does the content demonstrate that it was produced with some degree of direct experience of the topic.To enhance experience in your content you can:

  • Showcase actual delivery or use of a product or service. Case Studies and testimonials can be a useful way of doing this – Highlight real-life examples that illustrate how your products or services have been successfully used or implemented by your customers. Describe specific challenges they faced and how your offerings provided solutions.
  • Have the content produced by someone who has first-hand experience of the topic at hand. Share personal stories or anecdotes related to your industry or expertise that demonstrate your firsthand experience and insights.

Expertise: This refers to the knowledge and expertise demonstrated by the content creator or the website as a whole. It includes the qualifications, credentials of the authors or contributors. To enhance expertise you can:

  • Provide accurate and comprehensive information on the topic
  • Showcase the credentials and expertise of your authors or contributors
  • Include author bylines and author bios to establish credibility

Authoritativeness: Authoritativeness relates to the reputation and authority of the website or content creator. It signifies that the website is a trusted source in its industry or niche. To boost authoritativeness, you can:

  • Earn backlinks from other reputable websites in your field. 
  • Highlight awards, certifications or partnerships that enhance your authority
  • Produce high quality, well researched content that adds value to users

Trustworthiness: Trustworthiness refers to the reliability and integrity of the content and the website as a whole. Users should feel confident in the accuracy and fairness of the information presented. To establish trustworthiness you can:

  • Provide clear and transparent information about your organisation, including contact details, privacy policies, and terms of service. 
  • Cite credible sources and link to reputable websites to support your claims
  • Regularly update and maintain your website to ensure accuracy and relevancy

Leveraging E-E-A-T for Success

The E-E-A-T formula is not a specific algorithm or a checklist of items to tick off, but rather a guideline for creating high-quality content that aligns with Google’s intent to deliver trustworthy and valuable information to its users. By focusing on experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, you can improve your websites chances of ranking well in Google’s search results. 


As a small or medium-sized business owner in New Zealand, investing in your website’s content quality is key to establishing a strong online presence and attracting potential customers. By adhering to Google’s E-E-A-T formula and prioritizing experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, you can position your website for success in the competitive digital landscape. At Web Genius, we’re committed to helping businesses like yours optimise their online presence and achieve their goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in implementing the E-E-A-T formula for your website’s content.

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