Fresh Website Content: How to Make Google Happy and Improve Your Online Visibility

Blue banner with blog title and Web Genius logo and image of fresh yellow lemons on the right
Whether you feel pretty happy with how your website is currently ranking in the search engines, or you feel like there is room for improvement, one of the things that can have a positive impact on your website performance is updating your website content.

Today we discuss the importance of fresh website content and the significant impact it can have on your search engine ranking.

For our Web Genius standard website clients, we give you a handy list of “8 ideas to make use of your free support minutes” to update website content. We also discuss how to make a really big impact with larger volumes of fresh content in the form of new pages, (applicable for both SEO and website clients).

Illustration of people creating and editing web page content


Why do they say “Content is King”?

You may have heard the phrase “Content is King” bandied about a bit in relation to digital marketing. In essence, it refers to the idea that high-quality, useful, and relevant content is the MOST important factor in the success of a website.

If you don’t have great website content, then no amount of window dressing in the form of flashy design, keyword optimisation or link building is going to cut it in terms of getting your site to the first page of Google.


To keep Google happy, keep your website content “fresh”

Google’s algorithm prioritises (i.e. ranks more highly), sites with high-quality and up-to-date content. This is because its mission as a company is to provide the most relevant and useful search results to its users.

Making regular updates to your website’s content can signal to Google that your website is active and relevant to users and therefore worth prioritising. Additionally, adding new content can provide even more opportunities for your website to rank for relevant keywords.

The more often you update your website content and the more significant the improvements, the better. But it is important to note that even relatively small changes can have an impact.


Smiling woman working at her laptop


8 ideas to make use of your FREE* 30 mins monthly support minutes to “freshen up” your content

Many of our standard Web Genius website clients have free* monthly support minutes built into their monthly marketing fees. Using these minutes is a fantastic way to keep your website content up-to-date. Here are 8 ideas for ways to use your monthly minutes:

  1. Write a paragraph about a new product or service you offer and ask support to add it to your site along with an image or video
  2. Update staff bios and photos
  3. Update your company history and ask support to add it to your about page
  4. Add new client testimonials
  5. Write a short case study (summary of work done) for a particular client and ask support to add it to the relevant page on your site
  6. Start a blog and add a link to it from your website
  7. If you find a useful resource that someone else has created that you think would be helpful to your customers – add a link from your website
  8. Add links to your social media accounts from your website

It’s also important to review your existing web content pages at least every 6 months and ask support to remove content that is no longer relevant.

*If you are unsure whether your website contract includes free monthly support minutes or not, our team will be able to let you know. And even if it doesn’t, we can still help you with edits at our standard hourly rate. You can contact our website support team about this at


Updating your social media channels can also drive traffic and boost your rankings

Posting new content and regular updates on your social media channels can help drive traffic to your website which can also boost your Google rankings.

Things to consider sharing:

  • Interesting articles or blog posts
  • Information about new or existing products or services
  • Helpful tips or advice related to your niche or industry
  • Nice reviews you have received from clients


Lightbox with the words fresh content on it sitting on a blue background with a blue lightbulb hanging over it

To make a BIG impact – add new pages to your website

According to Search Engine Journal the “larger the content changes, the more improved the crawl frequency and the average keyword rankings of a piece of content”.

That is, to see really significant improvements in your search engine ranking, you may need to make bigger changes, such as noticeably improving the overall quality of your content, adding more in-depth information or resources, or targeting new keywords with your content.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to add new, optimised pages to your site that are focussed on specific products or services your business specialises in. Our Web Genius Fresh Content Pages and Fresh Content Packs are an awesome option for businesses looking to give their website a decent boost in terms of organic search visibility and provide their clients and visitors with high-quality, authoritative information.

Get in touch with your local Web Genius adviser if you are interested in finding out more about our Fresh Content options and whether they might be helpful for your business.


In summary: Keep it current, keep it fresh!

  • Small, incremental changes are still good! Even small updates to your website, and regular reviews to make sure content is still relevant and current can have an impact on your search engine visibility.
  • Take advantage of your support minutes: Looking for opportunities to add updated content like testimonials, case studies, product info and other company information is an easy and cost-effective way to add fresh content.
  • Post to social media: Regular posting to social media is a powerful driver of website traffic
  • Add pages: Big improvements in organic search visibility can be achieved through larger content changes like adding pages.
As always, you can get in touch with us if you have any questions about search engine visibility and online marketing. We’re here to help!


Web Genius

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