Email marketing case study: Action Property Services

Action Property Services, which has been featured many times throughout this book, has built up a database over recent years of more than 1000, and use email to communicate regularly with this growing database.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ for an email marketing case study…

1. Automated emails
Every new customer of Action Property Services is added to a database which automatically triggers a series of emails. These emails thank the customer for their business, encourage them to provide feedback, and suggest they spread the word about the company to their friends and family via email and Facebook. The first email is sent within days of the initial service, and then automatically every three months, effectively keeping their brand and services in the minds of their customers, without the company having to do any further work.

2. Seasonal promotional and educational emails
At different points throughout the year, it’s the right time for the various services provided by Action Property Services. On these occasions, a quick email goes out to the database reminding and educating members about the need to get the particular service done. For example, when autumn rolls around the email on the following page goes out suggesting it’s time to clear the spouting of leaves and providing a link where the customer can book their service.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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