Creating a personalied experience for your database members…

Some modern website systems provide the ability to personalise the experience your visitors have with your website content.

This can be a simple personalised greeting, or may consist of product recommendations based on stated preferences or previous purchase history.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Marketing Handbook’ to find out about creating a personalised experience for your database members…

Take the example of Shoe Clinic. When making a purchase in one of Shoe Clinic’s stores around the country, customers are given the opportunity of signing up for their database, where they provide contact information and select which sporting activities they take part in.

This information is entered into a database, automatically triggering an email out to the new database member, thanking them, informing them of their initial rewards point balance and telling them what to expect in the future.

The email also includes several links to the website which, if they click, sets a cookie on their web browser allowing Shoe Clinic to address them by name, and present information related to the sports they are interested in. In the example below, the Shoe Clinic is addressing me by name and presenting a hockey shoe, one of my stated preferences.

Once you begin building a database and linking it to the pages of your website, the opportunities for creating a personalised experience for your database members are endless.

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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