Article marketing is a very popular link building method…

Each link that another website has to your site can be regarded as a vote, but not all votes are equal. Links from pages that Google already regards as important are worth more.

Read the following excerpt from my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ and discover how article marketing can help increase incoming links to your website… 

Article marketing is a very popular link building method. The idea is that you write an article and then distribute different versions of it to the various article directories such as:,, and

Because Google doesn’t like duplicate content clogging up its index, it’s important that the versions of the articles you distribute to each article directory are unique. You can do this by “spinning” the content of your article. This involves coding the content of the article in such a way to include multiple versions of paragraphs and sentences within the same article. You then distribute the article to sites that can interpret this code and choose a unique combination of content, meaning the article is different at every site you submit to.

Make sure you rewrite the content carefully and check that every possible version produced by your spun content reads well. Whatever you do, do not use automated content spinning software. This invariably results in articles that read like they’ve been written by a non-native English speaking three year old and they will not do your web marketing any long term good. 

The bottom of your article features a “resource box” which includes your writer profile as well as links back to your website, and it is these links that can help your web page move up through the Google rankings. Some references for article marketing:,, and

To read more, you can purchase my book ‘The NZ Small Business Superhero’s Internet Marketing Handbook’ by clicking here.

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